
February 2, 2018
9:30 - 11:30 » Artificial Intelligence and Education
BME Building I - IB028 lecture hall

Welcome (Rector of the University, Dean of the Faculty, Head of Department)

Russell, Stuart J.: A new approach to AI [video] [slides]
University of California, Berkeley

Dobrowiecki, Tadeusz: AI education @ BME VIK: 25 years and 10 000 students
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Csirik, János: AI education in Hungary
Head of AI Section, John von Neumann Computer Society, Hungary

Leo, Pietro: Research & Business about AI [slides]
Università degli Studi di Udine, IBM Italy Chief Scientist and Research Strategist

11:45 - 13:15 » AI and Education - the Industry Perspective I.
IB028 lecture hall

Palkovics, László: Designing self-driving cars
Government Commissioner for autonomous and electric vehicles

Thiel, Robert: Applied AI for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems at Continental [video]
Head of Machine Learning, Continental

Takács, Árpád: Artificial intelligence in the self-driving cars of today and tomorrow
Outreach Scientist, AImotive

Anka, László: Artificial intelligence in the Vehicles of the Future
Responsible for computer vision and machine learning research, Bosch

13:15 - 14:00 Lunch break

14:00 AI programming contest - award ceremony
IB028 lecture hall

14:15 - 16:00 » AI and Education - the Industry Perspective II.
IB028 lecture hall

Sepp, Norbert: What we see in the Future?
Wattson Ambassador, Cognitive Business SME, IBM

Váncza, József; Monostori, László: Artificial Intelligence and Cyber-Physical Production Systems
MTA Sztaki

Szabó, Márk: The future is for centaurs: Microsoft and the technologies of tomorrow
ISV Technical Evangelist, Microsoft

Török, Levente; Ferenczi, Lehel: A new era in industrial modeling in GE: Model based techniques, statistical machine learning and deep learning
Senior Data Scientist, GE Digital; Senior Technical Product Manager, GE Healthcare

Farkas, Lóránt: Augmented intelligence in the Future X network
Technical Manager, Nokia Bell Labs

16:00 » Alumni event
Building I